Reexamining Women-Related Ahadith: A Critical Analysis of Authenticity and Interpretation


  • Dr. Sadiq Ali Postdoctoral fellow, Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University Islamabad, Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Kohat University of science and technology Author
  • Dr. Hafiz Aftab Ahmad Head, Department of Comparative Study of World Religions, Islamic Research Institute, International Islamic University, Faisal Masajid Campus, Islamabad Author


Women, Hadiths, Objections and Doubts, Critical Review, Religious Scholar


Allah Almighty has made human beings the most honorable and esteemed among all the creatures in the world. Just like other creatures, Allah created males and females in humans to ensure the continuity of humanity. Along with this, Allah has assigned certain worldly tasks specifically to men and certain tasks specifically to women, while some tasks are shared between the two. In some matters, humans are given the choice to decide whether a man or a woman should perform them, based on mutual consent. 
Furthermore, Allah has established the rights of both men and women, just as men have rights, women also have rights. If we look beyond religion at other false religions and human-made civilizations, we see that woman was an oppressed and tormented being. In society, the concept of respect and status for women was impossible. Islam was the only religion that liberated women from various limited ideologies and perceptions, granting them an equal status and rank with men. Other civilizations, particularly the Western ones, made unsuccessful attempts to provide women with 
freedom, virtue, status, and rank in society. They tried to take credit for securing real rights for women, but instead of giving women honor and rights in society, these civilizations turned them into their property and subordinates. the people of the West and their secular allies have not refrained from various types of propaganda against Islam. They seem to be constantly engaged in different conspiracies to alienate people 
from Islam. In this context, the sayings of the Prophet (Hadith) related to women have been particularly targeted and criticized. These Hadiths have been presented to people out of context and in a manner completely detached from their original meaning and purpose.


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